Monkey Mia
We arrived at Monkey Mia on Tuesday the weather was threatening rain and as per the forecast we were expecting at least 10mm but despite the dark clouds, no rain eventuated, but the temperature defiantly dropped Anyway after taking advantage of the lovely camp kitchen and doing some meal prep we enjoyed a nice relaxing evening at the bar watching the beautiful view. Earlyish the next morning we headed down to the “dolphin Experience area” Just another beautiful sunrise We sat waiting patiently (we always arrive early, its a gadget thing) And then received our briefing from the ranger. He was pretty much upstaged as the dolphins made their way in towards the shore. We were advised to walk down to the shore and stand on the edge of the water The dolphins cruised past inspecting us like a captain in the army. We were then allowed to walk ankle deep into the water. There were about five dolphins that came in on our day and we could see more further out, the ranger ad...