Wave rock ,Hydern WA
We left Cape le Grand Thursday morning and started our journey north
It was another day of long driving, filled with views of wheat fields,( we are driving through the west Australian wheat belt) scrub lands and the occasional mob of Emu’s just wandering along.
We stopped off at Lake King to stretch our legs and to maybe grab a bite to eat, but we were a bit early and the hotel wasn’t opened. So we pressed on to Hayden.
Hayden is the home of the 2700 million year old wave rock (Katter Kich)
The rock is 110 metres long and 15 metres high. Formed from solid granite. The Wave is a natural rock formation, shaped like a tall breaking wave . Local tribes believe that wave rock was a creation of the rainbow serpent and was created in her wake as she dragged her swollen body over the land after drinking all the water.
Wave Rock is a small part of Hydern rock. We stayed at the Wave rock caravan park for the night
Which allowed us lots of time to explore the area , walking around and over Hayden rock.
Above is a formation known as Hippos yawn, this formation is an easy 20 min walk from wave rock. Along the way as you walk there are information boards that provide information about local flora and fauna.
Hippos yawn , is what is called a Tafone ( Italian for window or aperture) geologically it refers to large hollows which develop in large boulders , usually from the inside out. They are usually caused by wind and water , however in this situation it is believed that it is the result of salts that have crystallised within the boulder creating pressure resulting in it breaking from within
However it formed it really does resemble a Hippo yawning.
It is always a good idea to get up early to get a good photo. this morning Gadget and I made the dash to see Wave rock and the views from Hydern Rock as the sun rose.
And wow what a difference it makes, the stone just seemed to come alive and we pretty much had the wave all to ourselves.
The quick climb to the top of Hydern Rock also provided some stunning photos as well.
Until the next blog
Travel safe
The Touring Knights
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