Cervantes, the Pinnacles , Drovers Cave and Dynamite Bay

After leaving Toodyay, we continued  north driving to Cervantes

It’s really confronting when you look at the map at the distance we have covered, the whole width of our amazing country in what really is a short period, and just how long it would take us to get home.

Cervantes is a small coastal fishing town, on the edge of the Indian Ocean ( this was the first time Gadget and i had seen the Indian Ocean  from land).  Cervantes was named after the a ship that wrecked nearby.

The principle industry in the town is fishing and in particular Lobster / crayfish. 

We were fortunate enough to enjoy the local catch , with a wonderful lunch of Lobster, mussels and Oysters at the Lobster Shack.

We decided to stay at Cervantes for two nights as we had things to see.

The main one being the Pinnacles

The Pinnacles are located in the Nambung National Park and cover 17 487 hectares. The pinnacles are limestone structures  formed approximately 25 000 to 30 000 years ago, after the sea receded 

The pinnacles varied in size and can be as tall as 3.5 metres , they can resemble jagged sharp edged columns whilst others resembled tombstones.

You can chose to leave your car and walk through the park or drive the 4km loop.

I m really glad we chose to drive around, and was absolutely thrilled that we had such an amazing sunny day to see this absolutely amazing natural wonders. I did read up how they are formed , but it is really way to complex to try to explain. 

When we arrived at the pinnacles and were paying our entry fee ,at the drive through booth, the lady serving us asked how long we were here and what else we were going to see, we replied we were not sure yet , she responded after giving Reggie a good look over ,  oh you have to go see the Drovers cave , she suggested we speak to the assistant in the information centre.

We asked , the lady in the Information centre  , she provided us with a map and some directions and pointed out that we would need to travel on dirt roads we were like, yeh we can do that.

So we set off, now this is a typical Knights Tale, we traveled along with no problems the dirt road was a dream no problems , hardly and corrugations, we are thinking this is ok , UNTIL we reached the entrance of the Drovers Cave National park

Sandy roads , we were like ok , well we will see how we go , it will probably only be maybe a kilometre or two of this , nope  6 kms of soft sandy road, in all honesty i have to say Gadget and Reggie handled it really well, we could have stopped and dropped the tyre pressure but honestly we didn't need to. After all the bumping along gadget commented “these caves better be good”.

Upon arriving we then had to walk a good 30 metres along what was a sandy river bed , again not to bad 

And it was picturesque

We then enter the cave , expecting cave art or something amazing, well really it was just a cave , no art , we didn’t notice any bats , although i believe there is a colony that live there , we must have missed them. The cave was cool in that you can walk within it and actually get to walk right through it, its also really cool that it was part of the famous Canning stock route.

The above image was taken as we approached the rear mouth of the cave, as i said it was cool

Anyway we left from the rear entrance of the cave walked up to the parking area and thought , where the hell is Reggie?? we were both a bit confused for a bit, walked up a path in the direction we ( I was ) were convinced the car was , nope. We wandered back to the signs that provided info on the park and found a map and quickly worked out how to get back, but for like about 15mins we were both really panicking.

Any we were very relieved when we finally seen Reggie. 

We travelled out of there with no issues. And drove to Green head , where we were able to get a late lunch , a great toastie , and were able to see

Dynamite Bay, pictured above, it was a bit of an adventurous day , but one we both sat and chuckled about at the end of the day. What would a Touring Knights trip be without a little adventure.

Until the next blog

Travel safe 

The Touring Knights


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