Back on the road , Barkley station to free camp
Waking up the day we were leaving Daly waters it really felt like the holiday was really almost over.
As you can see the sunshine was gone , we were both really quiet , lost in our own thoughts.
Of course returning home to family , the house and of course our Nellie boy is exciting , for me returning to my atelier (craft room) is always a welcome thought. But then to leave days were every day is a surprise, seeing something new and an adventure felt a bit sad.
As we traveled along we came across quite a few of these very wide loads , where we had to get completely off the road. The truck drivers were always very courteous thanking us for pulling over . I do admire the skill it would take driving something like this, the sheer weight, and managing the load on what can be very rough roads at times.
We pulled up for the night at Barkley Homestead station,
This is really a great spot for an overnight stop , all drive through spots set up for the traveller. We got in late so didn't have a lot of choice for spots really and ended up next to the amenities block, which made it easy for having a shower the next day.
We spent a lovely evening in the restaurant listening to Lou Bradley and Phil, playing all our well loved songs and enjoying a lovely meal. Lou had the crowd singing along , it was a great night, It was here that my brain started mulling over that every day is a surprise and an adventure , yep it was possibly the Rosé and listening to good music always a winning combination for me.
We continued on the road the next day , it was still overcast and gloomy with Reggie and Ruby travelling straight into the wind, we finally farewelled the Northern Territory crossing over the border into Queensland.
Much to gadgets amusement i continued the wave to caravans game, i would have to say that my rough estimate is 65% wave back. That’s ok , some are too busy concentrating on the road.
I continued working on Gadgets Vest.
We pulled up for the night at a roadside free camp, just off the Barkley Highway. We had hoped to have a bit of a camp fire, but there was a fir amount of wind around and the air was heavy with moisture , indicating rain at anytime. It was our first free camp stop of the trip.
By the following morning we had quite a few companions at our free camp, we were rested and ready to journey on.
Until the next blog
Every day and every place deserves a story.
The Touring Knights
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