On the road : Barcladine , Tambo, Cunnumulla and Cobar
When we left Dunblane the plan was we would pretty much be on the road moving daily until we reached Griffith, NSW. So with 3-4 hours on the road every day , that doesn’t give me much material to blog about , but you can usually find something. Barcladine: shearer’s strike and the tree of knowledge In the history of Australia there has only been two armed insurrections between white settlers and government backed forces. The first was the 1854 Eureka revolt, the second was the 1891 shearers strike in Barcladine. In May 1891 at least 3000 striking shearer’s marched under the Eureka flag , protesting against poor working conditions and low wages , beneath the boughs of the tree of Knowledge ( a ghost gum) located outside the Barcladine train station. Unfortunately their strike was unsuccessful however The strike and the dramatic happens thereafter at the base of the “Tree of Knowledge” Marked the beginnings of the working man’s voice in Queensland. In 1892 at the f...